NPPE Preparation for Engineers and Geoscientists in Canada

Step-by-step guidance for passing your NPPE

Who are we?

We are a group of Canadian professional engineers, P.Eng.’s, and a university professor who have been teaching NPPE prep courses for many years. Conducting a qualitative short (and tidy) digital NPPE prep course without classroom for the engineers and geoscientists in Canada to accomplish their professional license.


What makes us different?


Honest work!


Up to date

The most up to date & Similar 2022 original NPPE questions


Understanding all levels of English

Time and energy efficient



Comfortably study at your own pace and be confident that you have all you need



Don’t have enough time? No problem, the sample exam alone would get you prepared


100% Guarantee

You will pass the exam



The key to success is learning

Course Features

The NPPE covers six different topics. Each topic is well explained with a quiz at the end of each section to assure you understood the concept. In the law section, there are study notes designed to well explain the concepts with examples for a better understanding. The course provides the recent similar NPPE Sample Exams, and the answers of all quizzes with the sample exams included. In addition, there is a section specific for Ontarians with quiz and specific Ontario sample exams.

I.1 Definition and Interpretation of Professionalism and Professional Status

I.2 The Role and Responsibility of Professionals in Society

I.3 Engineering and Geoscience Professions in Canada; Definitions and Scopes of Practice

I.4 The Value of Engineering and Geoscience Professions to Society

II.1 The Role of Ethics in Society; Cultures and Customs

II.2 Ethical Theories and Principles

II.3 Codes of Ethics of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists in Canada

II.4 Common Ethical Issues and Dilemmas; Making Ethical Decisions

III.1 Professional Accountability for Work, Workplace Issues, Job Responsibilities, and Standards of Practice

III.2 The Roles and Responsibilities of Professionals to Employers and Clients

III.3 Relations with Other Professionals and Non-Professionals, Business Practices

III.4 Statutory and Non-Statutory Standards and Codes of Practice

III.5 Risk Management, Insurance, Quality Management, and Due Diligence

III.6 Environmental Responsibilities and Sustainable Development

III.7 Use of Software, Computers, and Internet-base Tools; Liability for Software Errors

III.8 Document Authentication and Control

III.9 Duty to Inform; Whistleblowing

III.10 Communication

IV.1 The Canadian Legal System

IV.2 Contract Law – Elements, Principles, and Applications

IV.3 Tort Law – Elements, Principles, and Applications

IV.4 Civil Law in Quebec

IV.5 Business, Employment, and Labour Law

IV.6 Dispute Resolution

IV.7 Intellectual Property (Patents, Trade Secrets, Copyright, Trademarks); Intellectual Property Issues

IV.8 Expert Witness

IV.9 Bonds and Construction Liens

IV.10 International Law

IV.11 Environmental Law

IV.12 Workers Compensation and Occupational Health & Safety

IV.13 Human Rights and Privacy Legislation

IV.14 Further Areas of Law

V.1 The Acts, Regulations, and Bylaws of Provincial and Territorial Associations

V.2 Admission to the Professions

V.3 Illegal Practice, Enforcement against Unlicensed Practice, and Misuse of Title

V.4 Professional and Technical Societies

VI.1 Discipline Procedures

VI.2 Practice Review of Individuals

VI.3 Practice Review of Firms

VI.4 Continuing Professional Development

  1. Gordon C. Andrews, Patricia Shaw, and John McPhee, Canadian Professional Engineering and Geoscience: Practice and Ethics, 6th Edition, 2019, Nelson Education Ltd., ISBN: 0-17-676467-4.

  2. L. Marston, Law for Professional Engineers, Canadian and Global Insights, 5th Edition, 2019, McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN: 978-1-260-13590-9.

  3. Brian M. Samuels and Doug R, Sanders, Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience, 3rd Canadian Edition, 2015, Pearson Canada, ISBN: 978-0133575231.
  1. Professional Engineering Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.28 – available online here

  2. Regulation 941/90 Amended – available online here

  3. By-Law No.1 Amended – available online here

  4. Professional Engineering Practice, 2020 – available online here

NPPE participating Associations

The National Professional Practice Examination (NPPE), tests the professionalism, law, and ethics of engineers and geoscientists throughout Canada through the following regulatory associations…

Upcoming Exams